Homepage of programmer Torben Warberg Rohde

Lets go surfing


::: Channel 9 :::

Microsofts web TV channel site on new and upcoming MS technology.

::: ASP.NET MVC :::

The official Microsoft ASP.NET MVC resource site.

::: Stackoverflow :::


Webdesign resources - HTML, CSS, Jscript etc.

::: Ajaxian :::

Blog focused on Ajax, HTML5, CSS3 and other bleeding edge web standards. One of the first and best of its kind - not quite as unique as it was at first though.

::: MIX Online :::

Microsofts site with information for web developers, information architects and marketing people.

::: HTML5 Doctor :::

Small bites of HTML5 knowledge. Not bloated with news about all kinds of frameworks as Ajaxian was before it died out.


Diverse træningslogs, løbsoversigter o.a.

::: Endomondo-profil :::

::: Motionslø løbskalender :::
